raz自然拼读Decodable64节(视频 音频 pdf)可通过百度网盘转存下载,该资源由好好学习资源网会员“”收集整理

raz自然拼读Decodable64节,包括视频、音频和pdf资料,百度网盘分享英语自然拼读课程285M高清视频。raz分级阅读中,有一个版块非常值得大家注意,那就是Decodable books系列,一共64本书,68节语音拼读训练。在早期的网站中,这套书是作为线下的资源分享给学校的老师使用,而且只有黑白色,现在不仅书有彩色版本、可以在线阅读,更重要的是配了点读音频。资源目录A Crow with FlawsA Fat HatA Good Day for FishingA Nap and a MapA Tap and a PatAre You a QuitterBarb'&'s Sharp CarBig Bad BatBob and NellBread for BreakfastBub and the NutChip the ChimpClick, Cluck, and QuackCurls That SwirlDan the Tan ManDid It FitDon and DotsFran Goes to the PromGet the GagGet the PetsGrand Slam TennisHave You Ever Seen a FoxHot at the DamI Can HopJake and Gail Go to SpainJig, Jag, and JogJill and BillJoan'&'s Goats and Moe'&'s CrowsJoJo'&'s Yo-YoKit and Kim Are KinLil, Sal, and BillLost in the DumpMy Pug Has FunNan and PapNat'&'s CatNo More Sad TunesPlanet Blip BlopRed Hen and Rod RatRose'&'s BirthdaySam and the SapShelly'&'s Shell ShopSnake and ApeSnoop the Crime DogSwiss Fun RunTen PetsThad and ThelmaThe Bee and the FleaThe Clown Who Lost Her SmileThe Fat CatThe Kind KnightThe King Lost His RingThe Mare and the HareThe Mutt and the BugThe Nice MiceThe Pin with a Tin FinThe Roaring StormThe RobinThe Tot and the PotThe Zim-Zam ManToys for BoysVin and ValWhisker BillWin a WigYum, Yum Yams